Psychedelics for mental health: the European Commission formally registers the European Citizens’ Initiative PsychedeliCare

September 11, 2024

On 11 September 2024, the European Commission formally registered the first European Citizens’ Initiative for mental wellbeing: PsychedeliCare.

For those envisioning a future where patients across the European Union (EU) have access to safe, effective, and innovative therapies to address their mental health needs, this is groundbreaking news. The full registration as a European Citizens Initiative starts the journey towards establishing an expert consensus on standards of psychedelic therapies and improving access to EU-funded research for therapeutic applications.

“European citizens affected by treatment-resistant depression, PTSD or substance use disorders and their loved ones have waited long enough for potentially life-changing psychedelic-assisted therapies” says Théo Giubilei, Founder of the PsychedeliCare initiative. “Reaching this milestone is a critical beginning to better supporting the patients living with mental health conditions across the EU.”

We intend to decide with our partners, national teams and activists the date of launch and announce it by 10 October 2024 on “World Mental Health Day”.

More details on the European Commission decision.